Evolutionary Intelligence

Evolutionary Intelligence

La revista «Evolutionary Intelligence«, publicado artículo el 30 de diciembre del 2022, titulado: “The application of blockchain algorithms to the management of education certificates”.

The aplication of blockchain algorithms to the management of education certificates


The education sector, like the rest of the sectors, continues to move towards the digital age. Technology and education are combining better and better, transforming it.

The adoption of technology in the education sector is a slow and difficult process. Researchers, teachers, and professionals have established different steps to support the implementation process, and in the case of blockchain technology, to implement security measures. Blockchain technology offers great potential in the area of security. In recent years, there has been a great boom and interest in the security of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and specifically in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, devised by Satoshi Nakamoto, who indicates in the article “Bitcoin: an electronic peer-to-peer cash system” that it has provided a possible solution to transaction security. Therefore, there are different possibilities for applying blockchain in different processes and therefore it is attracting the attention of researchers and professionals. As projects and applications based on blockchain technology grow, it is important to have access to the practice and current state of technology.



Puedes consultar aquí el artículo: The aplication of blockchain algorithms to the management of education certificates

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